Put Egypt on your bucket list!

Put Egypt on your bucket list!

I escorted a group of clients on a group tour to Egypt in September, 18.  I absolutely loved it! Egypt hasn’t always been high on my bucket list but I was curious……I had heard great things about it and Aussie travellers are now returning.  Now is a great time to travel to Egypt before the crowds return.  Security is tight at the airports, hotels and tourist attractions, this helps put travellers minds at ease.

Cairo’s traffic is insane, when visiting the Pyramids I recommend staying in the Giza area at the Le Meridien Pyramids hotel.  The location and view of the pyramids is fantastic.  There are three pyramids nearby including the Great Pyramid.  You can climb up into the heart of the Great Pyramid “Cheops” where it opens up into a burial chamber; there you will find the remains of a granite sarcophagus (granite coffin) in an otherwise empty chamber.   The chamber was once filled with treasures for the pharo to take to the afterlife.  The climb wasn’t easy and not for those who suffer from claustrophobia………but I enjoyed the experience and would recommend it.

The Sphynx is near the Great Pyramids and a must see while also in the area.  The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is also well worth a visit, make sure you include a visit the room dedicated to Tutankhamun and Mummies room.

Down at Luxor a lunch on a Felucca is a great way to experience the Nile.  Karnak Temple is very impressive and can be experienced during the impressive evening sound and light show!  The temple is just as impressive in the daylight.

One of my highlights was the Valley of the Kings located on the West Bank of Luxor.  The Valley of the Kings is where the tombs of the kings/pharaoh’s were hidden in the hills.  The tombs are extremely impressive and have corridors with walls down to the burial chambers covered in hieroglyphics.  I recommend you pay extra for entry into King Tut’s tomb, I loved it!  Tutankhamun’s tomb was found undisturbed many of the items found are in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.   The room where his body was found and his mummified body (on display) are very impressive.  No photographs are permitted in this room, however this is Egypt and everything seems to be available at a price.

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